A:This store supports wholesale
Q:Does your store support direct sales? (wholesale)
A: Yes, we ship every order with their Tracking Number, and you can view the shipment status on the corresponding website.
Q: Is there any tracking Number for my item?
A: free shipping
Q: How much does it cost to ship to my country?
A:With charger
Q:Buy a watch with a charger it?
A:Ships in 3 days
Q:After payment Will ship in a few days
A:1 years warranty on the watch
Q: Is the watch warranty?
A:Professional waterproof(Please do not put in hot water Please don’t bring your watch diving)
Q:Is the watch waterproof?
A: After the watch is linked to the mobile APP,The watch has information reminder, call reminder
Q:Does the watch have a call alert Information reminder?
A:There is a QR code on the manual. The mobile phone needs to download the APP, and the mobile phone has the positioning function turned on.Open Bluetooth connected watch in APP
Q:How the watch links to the app
光*** –
It arrived to me today, and already I have it all set, looks great for quality price, not bad, very well packaged, and easy to use it .. Thank you seller and good delivery days, right!
E*** –
The product complies with the description. I recommend the seller. It is a 64 Gb GSM on the wrist and which connects with all your equipment example: the car radio, the bleutoochs headphones, a GSM, a computer etc. it has a built-in speaker. And works under Android.